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Why Blockchain Was Not Used for Voting in Us Elections!

Data could not be altered when using the blockchain technology, it enables trust, democracy and fairness for both parties and their supporters, Even though. This technology was not used in US 2020 elections. Luck of trust comes right away after declaring Biden winner by Trump over some tweets. The question here is why not avoiding the abundance of disputes and attacks stem and maybe an enormous society entropy within the supporters using simply the Blockchain!

Posted by Hicham ALAOUI RIZQ on 09 Nov, 2020

The concept behind the technology ​

Here is why! But first, let’s have an over quick over the shorter mechanism that makes blockchain may seem a great idea in concept. Imagine a series of blocks or chain which are linked together using cryptography technology and each single node or block handles the same exact data over the network.

This interlinking mechanism is the primary key to institute transparency in the voting process. As you cannot edit a single record without impacting an interlinked record. Blockchain data is distributed across the entire system, so a piece of data doesn’t “live” in a single location. This makes it impossible to modify records without detection. Which means that no one could change the ballot whenever it is already on the network.

Maturity stage

As wonderful as this all sounds that blockchain based with an online portal means to make voting system reliable, efficient and dramatically reduce different costs, the US is just not ready to use it on a national scale. There are some major obstacles that they’ve yet to overcome.


First! Voting framework using blockchain technology would require extensive engineering and testing to ensure its security, reliability and integrity. In fact blockchain voting was trailed in 2017 and 2018. It was found that while the infrastructure was robust, the voting terminals were vulnerable to attacks, if the data that is inputted into the blockchain is invalid, then you’ve successfully undermined the entire system.

The Problem of Voter Authentication and Identity Verification

It is very easy to impersonate another person when using an online portal, this stands against implementing the blockchain voting technology.

Luck of verifying the registered voter identity undermined all the democratic process, So governments that are interested in refining the process, should think about developing a tamper proof system that allows users to authenticate their identity at the time when the vote is being cast.

The Problem of Scalability and Speed

A single national voting blockchain system rather than multiple stand-alone blockchain frameworks would not fit the millions of transactions over a fairly brief period of time because each type of blockchain handles only a certain amount of transactions per a second, which could be problematic since results would be expected at the end of the day.

Apparently, Blockchain isn’t a cure-all remedy for electronic voting despite it is very well suited for other applications and usages, governments should still pursue blockchain for voting in the future once the technology has been refined and adapted to this unique process.